All the puppies are now destined for new homes. We are enjoying our final days with them – they are soooo cute! So curious & playful – puppy season is always a joy on the farm!!
Hope everyone had a very blessed & Merry Christmas! The Lord gave us a special time together as family as we rejoiced in our Savior, Jesus Christ’s, birth!
We’re looking forward to the coming New Year – 2017! Hard to believe another year is setting while a new one dawns. As we do each year, we are looking forward to spending some time as a family praying over the new year and setting goals. We hope to do this in the next week or so. Someone once said that it takes 30 days to make a new habit routine but just 3 days to brake it!
Over the Christmas season we had several gravity feed wagons delivered to help out operations this coming year. We’re working on pre-ordering chicks & turkeys for the season. Baby piglets still haven’t come – any day now!!
Adam has been experiencing the joys of diversity in personality in his dairy cows. One of the new cows has been a bit on the jumpy side. As we all know, getting used to a new environment has different effects on different people. Poor cow and poor Adam. I (Joshua) was able to watch her be milked Thursday and noted a much calmer disposition. She still doesn’t like the head gate in the milk barn and so is milked wherever she settles down at in the barn 🙂 – which yesterday was in front of the tasty bin of alfalfa. |