Raw Milk Herd Share Drop pick-up options are expanding as we head in to the new year. We’re very excited to be adding a Saturday drop-off to the Del Ray market location (every Saturday 8am-12pm). We are also adding a drop in the Ashburn/Herndon area (location tba soon).

Thinking about buying in bulk? There is still product availability…. Contact us for options.

2016 is setting with the coming dawn of 2017….
beautiful sunset earlier this week o’er
Honey Brook Farms
Its seed ordering time!
Oh how much fun….all the puppies have been assigned to wonderful new homes – won’t be long until they being their life on on new farms
Mama may be out, but Mrs. Hen is keeping an eye on the sleeping puppies 🙂
Grain gravity wagons being delivered
Derrick heads out to move hay bales to the back field for the beef herd
Sizzling steaks for Christmas dinner…Mmmm Yum!
This week on the farm
All the puppies are now destined for new homes. We are enjoying our final days with them – they are soooo cute! So curious & playful – puppy season is always a joy on the farm!!

Hope everyone had a very blessed & Merry Christmas! The Lord gave us a special time together as family as we rejoiced in our Savior, Jesus Christ’s, birth!

We’re looking forward to the coming New Year – 2017! Hard to believe another year is setting while a new one dawns. As we do each year, we are looking forward to spending some time as a family praying over the new year and setting goals. We hope to do this in the next week or so. Someone once said that it takes 30 days to make a new habit routine but just 3 days to brake it!

Over the Christmas season we had several gravity feed wagons delivered to help out operations this coming year. We’re working on pre-ordering chicks & turkeys for the season. Baby piglets still haven’t come – any day now!!

Adam has been experiencing the joys of diversity in personality in his dairy cows. One of the new cows has been a bit on the jumpy side. As we all know, getting used to a new environment has different effects on different people. Poor cow and poor Adam. I (Joshua) was able to watch her be milked Thursday and noted a much calmer disposition. She still doesn’t like the head gate in the milk barn and so is milked wherever she settles down at in the barn 🙂 – which yesterday was in front of the tasty bin of alfalfa.