How France and Germany Are Ousting Glyphosate In A Search For Healthy Soils and Pesticide-Free Crops –
The European Union voted in 2017 to be Glyphosate free in 5 years. As France & Germany are moving that way, they are providing incentives and support to farmers. France alone is anticipating some 25000 farms to go organic by then. These include charging a pollutant tax for French farmers still using glyphosate.

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I fail to see where we would not insist that the United States follow suit. This is the exact same thing that is the active ingredient in Round-up, Monsanto has had two multi-million dollar judgments handed down against them because this same ingredient has been linked to cancer. On another note, I hope your family and the other farmers in VA are doing okay with all the rain. Farmers here in OK are faced with grazing out wheat crops because of the rain, hail and tornadoes we have had this spring. As farm folks, we do not complain about the rain, but it would be nice if we could get a break to let things dry out, wheat to ripen and out of the fields.