Its always a great day at the farm when you can work together as a team. Hannah and her brothers took on the daunting garlic planting task. The result….3 long beautiful rows of planted garlic covered with Honey Brook’s own rich black compost soil.
Garlic planting team!
Mmmmm yum! Looking delicous at the Honey Brook bakery!
Spreading compost on the freshly planted garlic
80+ tons of Gravel went down on the farm road – hooray!
A beautiful sunrise Thursday morning
Trucks about loaded Saturday morning – ready for departure to market!
Port Brat Grillers for dinner – yummilicous!
Throwing rocks in the water at the park after church last Sunday
This week on the farm
So much to be grateful for this week! The cows are loving the cooler weather – the dairy cows in particular with the extra milk they’ve been giving here lately. Thanks to the help of some fellow farmer friends we tackled another end of the season poultry processing day – just a few left to go! The new scalder is working well and is definitely cutting down on processing time.

Garlic is in the ground. Winter veggies are extra tasty and growing well. A couple local tree experts delivered wood chips to the farm. Joshua has all the mouse guards on the beehives now. Hoping the hives will winter well and hit the ground buzzing next spring for lots of tasty nectar for raw honey.

Freezers are getting stocked with more beef & pork for the winter months ahead which means another freezer is on its way.

3 weeks ’till Thanksgiving. If you’re looking for any extra turkey drumsticks, thighs, quarters, or wings, place your order now!

Joshua & Lisa took their long awaited quick trip to Lancaster – a highlight of the trip was a visit to a produce auction – wow! So much produce everywhere. We ended up purchasing a bit of broccoli for the freezer.

Grateful for broccoli for the freezer!