Happy Honey Brook Chickens!
The weather was incredible all week – cool, nice rain – wow! Fantastic for working out doors. The dairy cows like it too…as do the other animals.
The hayfields are growing a bit slower that we’d like. But the thistles continue – Dad has been working away at cutting those down. Its amazing how the flower, though cut down, will often still turn to seeds. Its important to get those problems out early….good principle in life too.
Joshua added more honey supers (hive boxes) to the bee yard. The bees have been very happy this spring. We will need to be looking for a harvest date soon!
Heard some news about the future 5G this week and the negative impact it is expected to have on our health. Highly recommend researching this. Its being touted as such a good thing….kind of like GMO corn, pesticides, & more….but at what cost?